Monday, November 24, 2008

UC ~ Something Beautiful

I think I have gotten so caught up in all the amazing things happening on a daily basis here at UC that I have neglected to blog!

Since my last blog our days have been filled with excited 8th graders visiting as "freshmen for a day". ~ Word is out ~ "UC IS THE PLACE TO BE".

This years fall pep rally felt a new energy as the DJ rocked the Viking Vault. You couldn't help but feel the excitement as our fall athletes were introduced! The pep rally must have done the trick because the fall season finished strong with the volleyball team winning conference and county titles finishing 2nd in the state and one of our cross country runners winning the conference and county title as well as placing 3rd in the state qualifying for the Meet of Champions to name just a few!

Athletics was not the only area celebrating this fall! The Fall Play "Incorruptible" was a huge hit with brand new talent shining on stage. UC's Peer Ministry Team held wonderful Days of Recollections for both students and faculty and a Mock Election predicted our next president on Channel 12 News! Two honor roll breakfasts were held to recognize 1st marking period accomplishments and UC welcomed a record number of students to take the COOP Exam on November 7th.

This morning,at the Freshmen Assembly, Sister Percylee congratulated the Class of 2012 on their many accomplishments both academically and athletically this fall. To celebrate all these many accomplishments, Sister gave the UC Community off the day before Thanksgiving ~ Thank You Sister Percylee!

After the assembly I attended a meeting where I was asked to pick a "shining moment" at UC this year. It was hard, there have been so very many shining moments already and it's only November. So I thought about it and I have to say that truly shining moments happen everyday. The song we used on our new DVD is "Something Beautiful" by the Newsboys ~ well, "Something Beautiful" happens everyday, whether in the classroom, in clubs, or on the athletic fields ~ the extraordinary shining moments happen in the beautiful events of everyday life at UC!

UC is hosting a new event this year ~ "Discovery Day" on December 12th from 8:45 am to 11:45 am. This unique event will allow families to visit our classrooms while in session! Seats are liminted, so a RSVP is necessary!