Friday, February 23, 2007

Carnivale..Lent..Senior Retreat

Fat Tuesday came a few days early here at Union Catholic with the celebration of Carnivale. Carnivale is traditionally celebrated on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, but since that coincided with a long weekend off for Presidents Weekend, the celebration began on Friday.

Students from all four years of Mr. Cerimele’s Italian classes poured into the celebration bringing homemade Italian dinners and pastries – it sure did smell good! The evening was filled with good food, music and dancing – a fun night was had by all! But just as Mardi Gras abruptly ends at midnight on Fat Tuesday, so does Carnivale end and bring Lent to the UC Community. Prayer services conducted by Deacon Lynch were held during each period of the school day on Wednesday so that all students were able to attend and receive ashes. Deacon Lynch gave a beautiful reflection on the meaning of sacrificing during Lent, sacrificing with a smile….maybe by doing some “random acts of kindness”.

What a perfect time of year for our seniors to leave for their retreat…a time to reflect on their high school years and where their future will take them. With college acceptances pouring in, decisions need to be made – which school is the right choice? Seniors are faced with so many decisions as they travel through their last months of high school. I’m sure the retreat will be a wonderful time of reflection with some fun thrown in. Faculty and students have all been submitting their letters of affirmation for the seniors attending. These letters will be given to the seniors during their weekend…always a very special time of the retreat!

Class of 2007 ---enjoy your retreat, you will be in our thoughts and prayers - next week will bring the “107 Days till Graduation” breakfast. Mrs. Abel and the ladies in development are planning a special menu in your honor!

Friday, February 16, 2007

St. Valentine

If you look up St. Valentine’s Day on Google, you’ll find out lots of different theories…one is that the tradition of proclaiming one’s love to another came from England and France during the Middle Ages where it is believed that on February 14th, half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair.

Valentine’s Day here at UC means a "tag day" - a day to dress in our jeans, and red of course. The building is bright with the color of red everywhere. And of course, Sister Eloise will probably win for being the person who receives the most flowers!

Student Council sold candy grams all last week which were delivered this morning in homeroom. Student Council also ran a computerized compatibility test - what fun it is to see who you are compatible with!

Not even a "snow day" can keep UC from celebrating St. Valentine’s Day. Here we are on February 15th wearing our red and taking the time to tell those we care about that we love them. In thinking about it, I realized that this is just what UC does - they make everything special. So here in the middle of winter and 6 weeks before the hope of spring, we take a day to celebrate LOVE!

As our February Club period approaches, I am sure that the IRISH VIKINGS will be gearing up for the Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Union on March 10th. Come out and see us as our Performing Arts Company will be performing at the Grandstands in Union Center and the UC Viking will be marching with the UC Students. All UC students marching in the parade get a special breakfast prepared by UC’s favorite mom, Mrs. Abel - save a pork roll sandwich for me!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Accepted Students Dance

Who will the Class of 2011 be?? It’s like waiting for the birth of a new child - What talents will then bring - who will be the new leaders, athletes, stage stars? Who will be the new additions to the UC Community?

Well if the accepted students dance is any indication of the spirit and life that the Class of 2011 will bring, we can’t wait for them to get here!

Union Catholic’s "big brothers" and "big sisters" along with the Union Catholic ambassadors were on hand to help welcome accepted students to the "accepted students dance" Music was provided by DJ Tony Pops, who commented on how much he loves coming to do the dances at UC - he loves our kids!

The Class of 2011 followed the lead of the some of the UC Boys basketball team as they led them in Cotton Eyed Joe and the Cha-Cha slide. It was nice to see that their talents aren’t limited to basketball - by the way great season guys (13-3) Good luck with the rest of the season!

Congrats goes out to the Union Catholic Winter Track Team as well for just taking the County Title - way to go Coach McCabe & the UC Track Team!

The students from the Class of 2011 are coming from many different areas and schools. Each bringing a uniqueness to Union Catholic. We know that you may be a little nervous - but not to worry, we are here to help you with the transition. The Union Catholic faculty and staff along with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters will show you the ropes -
As singer Natasha Bedingfields songs say...

"Live you life with arms wide open…Today is where your book begins!"

Class of 2011 your "book" begins on Saturday….see you then!