Thursday, May 22, 2008


The anticipated senior prom ~ beautiful gowns, tuxes, flowers and limos. I had the privilege of being able to attend one of the pre-prom gatherings. The girls looked stunning, the boys looked sharp and parents were snapping pictures.

Looking at them huddling together for pictures I realized that they have grown up before our eyes. From nervous freshmen to “silly sophomores”; from a ring ceremony to the college search, how fast it has gone, how sophisticated they looked ~ how quickly they became friends; no, maybe family is a better word.

As incoming freshmen, you may be nervous about high school. You worry about leaving friends behind. You probably feel much like our seniors as they get ready to leave the friends they have made here at UC. In their four years of high school they have grown academically, spiritually and socially. They are now ready for the new challenges that await them; and they will carry with them the memories of nights like their senior prom; a night of celebrating friendship.

So a message to all my incoming freshmen ~ I know that this is a bittersweet time for you and I am sure that you may be nervous about what your future holds. With eighth grade almost behind you and September around the corner, we want you to know that we can't wait for you to get here!

“At UC ~ The Best Is Yet To Be”

Looking forward to seeing you at the Class of 2012 BBQ on June 19th ~ don’t forget to RSVP

Here is a peek at some of our seniors as they headed of to the Crystal Plaza in Livingston. A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I could not believe I was turning the calendar to May, where did April go??

It seemed that the month was filled with an event a day. Career Day, Golf Outing, Anti-bullying Workshop (held for 7th graders), Mr. UC (mentioned in a previous blog), The Senior Leadership Luncheon, The Class of 2012 Lock-In, Sophomore Olympics, Youth Rally for Pope Benedict, Honor Roll Breakfast, Open House, the Spring Concert and the Hall of Fame Dinner….phew…hard to catch your breath.

Even though the month was filled with so many amazing highlights I thought I’d write about the Open House, after all this is an admission blog!

Our Spring Open House is held for 6th & 7th grade students looking to get a “head start” on the high school search as well as students looking to transfer. This is generally a smaller Open House, so you can imagine our surprise when the families kept pouring in! How nice it was to meet so many prospective families…the future of UC. The night was buzzing with tours, academic presentations, student panels and more. You could feel it in the air - "UC Is The Place to Be"

Sum up the night? I believe I would use the word “Dedication”. Dedicated parents eager to find the “best school”, dedicated seniors willing to give up a night off to show prospective families how their talents have been fostered at UC, dedicated teachers willing to take time to share with families how their children will develop academically, a dedicated Alum willing to come back for the night to share what UC has meant to her, and dedicated UC students coming off the playing fields to hold student panels.

As I was thinking about the evening I realized that the dedication that was evident at Open House runs through the very “being” of Union Catholic. UC teachers coming in early to tutor students, Mrs. McKenna staying late to make sure every college application is sent out of guidance on time, the “ladies of Room 114” helping students through the challenges of high school friendships, parents helping organize and chaperoning the Relay for Life and Sister Percylee stopping students in the hall to see how the latest track meet, game or test went. Union Catholic is a community filled with dedicated people who really just care about each other ~ what a great place to be!

I'm attaching a video of the UC musicians who came to play at Open House ~ this was just a small taste ~ the Concert was amazing!!