Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Time To Give Thanks!

It’s hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving – wasn’t it just yesterday that we were starting the school year?? I guess it’s true what they say – “time flies when you are having a good time”!

Here at UC time does fly. Our calendar packed with events and activities from club periods, and pep rallies to school trips, ring ceremonies and honor roll breakfasts.

So as I sit in my office at this time of year I think about what I am thankful for. Without question, I am thankful a wonderful family, good friends and my health. But I am also thankful to be able to wake up everyday and come to work in a school like UC. A place where the kids are happy to be here, where there is a dedicated faculty and staff that puts in so many extra hours. A place where there is always something to celebrate from perfect SAT scores and merit scholars to victories and championships within our athletic program; a performing arts company that can put on a fall drama that is second to none and a peer ministry group that will work tirelessly to put together Days of Recollections for their classmates. Union Catholic is not just a school, it’s a community, it’s a family of people that really care about each other and help each other succeed.

I was working the grammar school basketball tournament this past Sunday and when I thanked one of our junior girls for giving up a Sunday to come and help us she said…”Oh Mrs. Thornton, I love UC, I love waking up and coming to school, I love my friends and I love to help out”…Well Emily, I agree, I love UC and am thankful to be part of this wonderful community!

Happy Thanksgiving!!