Monday, November 24, 2008

UC ~ Something Beautiful

I think I have gotten so caught up in all the amazing things happening on a daily basis here at UC that I have neglected to blog!

Since my last blog our days have been filled with excited 8th graders visiting as "freshmen for a day". ~ Word is out ~ "UC IS THE PLACE TO BE".

This years fall pep rally felt a new energy as the DJ rocked the Viking Vault. You couldn't help but feel the excitement as our fall athletes were introduced! The pep rally must have done the trick because the fall season finished strong with the volleyball team winning conference and county titles finishing 2nd in the state and one of our cross country runners winning the conference and county title as well as placing 3rd in the state qualifying for the Meet of Champions to name just a few!

Athletics was not the only area celebrating this fall! The Fall Play "Incorruptible" was a huge hit with brand new talent shining on stage. UC's Peer Ministry Team held wonderful Days of Recollections for both students and faculty and a Mock Election predicted our next president on Channel 12 News! Two honor roll breakfasts were held to recognize 1st marking period accomplishments and UC welcomed a record number of students to take the COOP Exam on November 7th.

This morning,at the Freshmen Assembly, Sister Percylee congratulated the Class of 2012 on their many accomplishments both academically and athletically this fall. To celebrate all these many accomplishments, Sister gave the UC Community off the day before Thanksgiving ~ Thank You Sister Percylee!

After the assembly I attended a meeting where I was asked to pick a "shining moment" at UC this year. It was hard, there have been so very many shining moments already and it's only November. So I thought about it and I have to say that truly shining moments happen everyday. The song we used on our new DVD is "Something Beautiful" by the Newsboys ~ well, "Something Beautiful" happens everyday, whether in the classroom, in clubs, or on the athletic fields ~ the extraordinary shining moments happen in the beautiful events of everyday life at UC!

UC is hosting a new event this year ~ "Discovery Day" on December 12th from 8:45 am to 11:45 am. This unique event will allow families to visit our classrooms while in session! Seats are liminted, so a RSVP is necessary!


Friday, October 03, 2008


UC held Open House last night and WOW, what an enthusiastic crowd!
Families were so anxious to get started that our UC Ambassadors began the "early bird" tours a 1/2 hour early!

Our standing room only crowd cheered as the UC Viking escorted Principal Sister Percylee on stage to address our families. In Sister's welcome she let our prospective students know what our current freshmen had to say when asked "If you could use one word or phrase to describe your first month at UC, what would it be"? They used words and phrases like; cool, the best, amazing, feels like family, exciting, fun, incredible, something to look forward to. The list goes on and on! It was wonderful to hear that the Class of 2012 knows that they are already of vital part of the UC family!

The Open House DVD presentation was entitled "A New Beginning" ~ each 8th grade student has the opportunity to choose their new beginning ~ A New Beginning at UC will include an academic program that includes six learning levels, an anytime anywhere laptop learning environment, a Virtual High School Program, athletics, clubs, and so much more! Come for Freshman for a day and see for yourself!

How will you look in Blue & White!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Even though summers at Union Catholic are never really quiet, there is nothing like the first month of school... the building is sparkling, our summer projects complete, and our students are back. The building is back to how it should be, filled with students happy to see each other after their summer off.

The environment this year seemed to be especially electric! As each class came in for orientation, their excitement over the improvements spread. You could hear them talking in the halls…”Have you seen the new Tradition Meets Tomorrow Hallway? It’s fabulous!” “How about the new physics lab and new bathrooms??” UC students take great pride in their campus and it shows with how proud they are each time an improvement is made.

UC students aren’t just proud of their campus, but their sports teams as well! What a great way to start the fall season with big wins in soccer and cross country not to mention the freshman, JV and Varsity volleyball wins at RC – the Blue Crew, with painted faces and chests cheered their teams to victory!

If you’d like to meet some of the UC faculty, coaches, athletes, students and yes…The Blue Crew…then stop by our Open House on October 2nd at 7PM. Can you see yourself in Blue & White?? Register for the UC open house at and receive a free Blue & White UC t-shirt the night of open house.

BTW…I happen to be at the Varsity Volleyball game and couldn’t help but get caught up in the “blue & white” spirit so I’ve included a short clip of the winning volley!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I happen to be talking with one of our alums from the Class of 2004. He's just graduated from a college in Virginia and was sharing with me his many memories of his last four years and how it felt to be back. He was on his way to a BBQ with his former UC classmates so I asked him if he would write a quick note that I could post on my blogspot, so here you go....

Alum Viewpoint

I am a Union Catholic Alum and I graduated with the Class of 2004. It seems so long ago but the memories are still very clear. I received an amazing education at UC that prepared me for college. I was highly involved at UC with Student Council, Performing Arts, the Irish Vikings and Cross Country. UC was not just a place for academics. There were so many clubs, organizations and sports that everyone could get involved in. The school was full of school spirit and I still feel that spirit when I go back for any of the sport games. When I entered college I wanted a similar experience to that of UC, because I loved it so much, and I found it.

I have also maintained life-long friends from Union Catholic. Ever since my graduation from UC four years ago my friends and I have done our best to stay in contact. Even though we all went to different schools we stayed in touch and made sure we saw each other when we were home. One of my favorite traditions that we started was the annual Thanksgiving dinner. We have been doing this for 4 straight years and I can't wait for next year! It's just a big pot-luck dinner and we can all catch up(all 20 of us)! My friends and I still see each other a lot. They even came down to visit me in Virginia where I went to college! I have gained life-long friends at UC and we continue to keep those friendships even after college.

It is crazy to think how fast high school and college have gone by. But it is fun to see where the journey will take us! Some of my friends are going back to school while others are in the working world. Some are teachers, engineers, or working in advertising. Union Catholic has made the possibilities endless for me and all of my friends and that is the same for anyone who walks into those doors. It is a place of great education and life-long friendships.

Eddy '04

What memories and friendships will you take away from your high school experience???
Where will your future take you...

An Extraordinary Future begins with an Exceptional Education!

save the date:


Monday, June 09, 2008


“We could all learn a lesson from crayons…Some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, all are different colors, but they all learned to live together in the same box”

This quote is from the Union Catholic 2008 Yearbook whose theme was “Color Outside the Lines”. What a wonderful message to all of us…yes we are all different. All unique and yet, we all live together in this community called Union Catholic.

Union Catholic encourages students to “show their true colors”. To be able to show their unique talent, ability or gifts and let them grow and flourish.

It is fun to flip through the yearbook to see all the smiling faces and remember all the fond memories of a school year, but it is even better when the message of the yearbook is so appropriate…Don’t be afraid to be yourself ~ let your true colors shine through.

The Class of 2008 attended their graduation on May 31st ~ their true colors shown through as awards and accomplishments were acknowledged and tributes were made to a classmate who lost his battle with cancer. This class has left their mark on UC, we are better because they were here.

Visit our homepage for a photo slideshow of Graduation….Class of 2008 ~ you will be missed!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


The anticipated senior prom ~ beautiful gowns, tuxes, flowers and limos. I had the privilege of being able to attend one of the pre-prom gatherings. The girls looked stunning, the boys looked sharp and parents were snapping pictures.

Looking at them huddling together for pictures I realized that they have grown up before our eyes. From nervous freshmen to “silly sophomores”; from a ring ceremony to the college search, how fast it has gone, how sophisticated they looked ~ how quickly they became friends; no, maybe family is a better word.

As incoming freshmen, you may be nervous about high school. You worry about leaving friends behind. You probably feel much like our seniors as they get ready to leave the friends they have made here at UC. In their four years of high school they have grown academically, spiritually and socially. They are now ready for the new challenges that await them; and they will carry with them the memories of nights like their senior prom; a night of celebrating friendship.

So a message to all my incoming freshmen ~ I know that this is a bittersweet time for you and I am sure that you may be nervous about what your future holds. With eighth grade almost behind you and September around the corner, we want you to know that we can't wait for you to get here!

“At UC ~ The Best Is Yet To Be”

Looking forward to seeing you at the Class of 2012 BBQ on June 19th ~ don’t forget to RSVP

Here is a peek at some of our seniors as they headed of to the Crystal Plaza in Livingston. A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I could not believe I was turning the calendar to May, where did April go??

It seemed that the month was filled with an event a day. Career Day, Golf Outing, Anti-bullying Workshop (held for 7th graders), Mr. UC (mentioned in a previous blog), The Senior Leadership Luncheon, The Class of 2012 Lock-In, Sophomore Olympics, Youth Rally for Pope Benedict, Honor Roll Breakfast, Open House, the Spring Concert and the Hall of Fame Dinner….phew…hard to catch your breath.

Even though the month was filled with so many amazing highlights I thought I’d write about the Open House, after all this is an admission blog!

Our Spring Open House is held for 6th & 7th grade students looking to get a “head start” on the high school search as well as students looking to transfer. This is generally a smaller Open House, so you can imagine our surprise when the families kept pouring in! How nice it was to meet so many prospective families…the future of UC. The night was buzzing with tours, academic presentations, student panels and more. You could feel it in the air - "UC Is The Place to Be"

Sum up the night? I believe I would use the word “Dedication”. Dedicated parents eager to find the “best school”, dedicated seniors willing to give up a night off to show prospective families how their talents have been fostered at UC, dedicated teachers willing to take time to share with families how their children will develop academically, a dedicated Alum willing to come back for the night to share what UC has meant to her, and dedicated UC students coming off the playing fields to hold student panels.

As I was thinking about the evening I realized that the dedication that was evident at Open House runs through the very “being” of Union Catholic. UC teachers coming in early to tutor students, Mrs. McKenna staying late to make sure every college application is sent out of guidance on time, the “ladies of Room 114” helping students through the challenges of high school friendships, parents helping organize and chaperoning the Relay for Life and Sister Percylee stopping students in the hall to see how the latest track meet, game or test went. Union Catholic is a community filled with dedicated people who really just care about each other ~ what a great place to be!

I'm attaching a video of the UC musicians who came to play at Open House ~ this was just a small taste ~ the Concert was amazing!!

Friday, April 18, 2008


With Mr. Luciano as the MC, the fourth annual Mr. UC Contest took place on Wednesday evening, April 16th. Eight seniors competed for the Viking Crown and the prestige of knowing that they could be the next "Mr. Union Catholic".

Words really cannot describe the evening that began with our eight contestants doing a dance to "I Will Survive" which was followed by their casual wear, talent and formal wear. Who would have thought that one of the basketball team's leading scorers would do an interpretive dance to the Lion King or that the captain of the baseball team plays in a pipes and drum band; who thought that the UC technology guru of Room 115 was a stand up comic? But even if all those talents were impressive,it was Kevin who won out...his "UC Song" done to the tune of Billy Joel's Piano Man stole the show. An auditorium full of screaming fans casts their votes for this year's Mr. UC ~ Kevin Cascone! Congratulations Kevin and as you leave us to become a St. Joe's Hawk, remember that you will always be a Viking!

Now you may ask yourself, what does a Mr. UC contest have to do with admissions? I like to give all prospective families a sense of the school spirit that is here within the walls of Union Catholic. At Open Houses or Information Sessions you can learn all about the academic offerings, the virtual high school, our athletic programs and clubs. What you can't always see at these events is the spirit of the school...our students. The Mr. UC contest is one of my favorite events. Senior boys comfortable enough to be themselves and have fun and a supportive student body that comes out to support them.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Last night Union Catholic attended the High School Expo at St. John the Apostle School in Clark where myself and some of the UC ambassadors had an opportunity to talk with families beginning the high school search. Parents, along with their 6th or 7th graders collected information from all the high schools in attendance, many feeling overwhelmed with the process. Should they choose a coed school, a single sex school, when is the test, what sports do you offer, what clubs???? The questions kept flowing.

Watching the excitement of these students is one of the things I love about my job! I love meeting and talking with families about all that Union Catholic has to offer. It also reminded me of a process we just completed with our son Jim. The college search! Very similar, very overwhelming. What is the right fit? Where did he see himself for the next four years from both an academic and social point of view. After a long search, he made his decision...the University of Mary Washington in Virginia.

Like college, each high school has something unique to offer! My advice...visit each one. Not just at Open Houses, but come for "freshman for a day". Walk the halls of the schools you are looking at. When you spend the day as a student, you will know whether or not that school is right for you.

I'm including a video from our "accepted students day" at Mary Washington. Four years ago Jim made the choice to attend Union Catholic. And yes, he did have a choice even though his mom works at UC. The choice to attend Union Catholic prepared him academically, athletically, spiritually and socially to move on to the next phase of his life. As you go through the search for the right high school, remember that the UC admissions staff is always available to answer any questions you may have.

Check back later in the week for my blog and video from the Mr. UC Contest!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Come Home to UC!

To quote John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”.

That sums up our seniors this year. I have watched these young men and women grow into leaders that truly inspire those around them. Leaders who are as comfortable speaking to a group of prospective students as they are a room full of parents, teachers and administrators. These are students who are not just responsible but are nice ~ nice to each other and their peers. I was concerned as we began the interview process for next year’s ambassadors ~ how could we possibly replace this year’s group. The last question Mr. Luciano and I asked each applicant is…”What do you think the best thing is about Union Catholic”? Do you know that every student may have said it differently, but the message was the same ~ "UC is a place where everyone is different, but we are accepted as we are, we are one big family ~ UC is where everyone feels at home ~I love being here”. Each applicant was anxious and excited to be the next ambassador to spread the news about all the good things happening within the walls of UC. I guess I really don’t have to worry about our future leaders, they are ready and willing to take on the responsibility.

Union Catholic’s ambassadors are just one small part of our leadership community. Today my day began watching the Student Council Executive Board holding rehearsals for “Mr. UC” and last night I sat at a SMAC Meeting (Student Movement Against Cancer), where a group of juniors and seniors organized their Quarters for Cancer Dinner, A Benefit Bash at Lord & Taylor (May 6th if your interested) and the Relay for Life. Peer Ministry is busy planning the Sophomore Day of Recollection and an Anti-bullying Workshop for 7th grade students. Oh and let’s not forget the Health Club leaders that just finished an incredibly successful blood drive and the Environment Club leaders who are busy with plans for Earth Day…the list goes on and on. Union Catholic is a place where students fine their niche. UC Builds Leaders ~ Leaders in the classroom, on the playing field and in the community.

Will you be a future leader at Union Catholic?

Come home to UC! ~ Open House is April 22

BTW – Yesterday, another sunny afternoon – Matt Canales & the UC Vikings baseball team had a convincing win over Dayton 5-1! Congratulations boys!

Thursday, April 03, 2008


In case I haven't mentioned it before, I am a huge baseball fan - have always loved the Yankees, never liked Boston. If I could plan a favorite day, it would be a sunny afternoon at Yankee Stadium right along the third base line to watch the Yankees put away the Red Sox!

Now, not that I am comparing the UC baseball team to the Yankees, but watching the Vikings win ranks up there with my favorite things to do!

Yesterday was Open Day for the Vikings and let me tell you it was exciting!

The seniors wanted to create a real "opening day" feel to the afternoon, so up went the viking tent and out came the grill. With music playing and "ballpark hotdogs" on the grill the Viking Baseball Team beat New Providence High School 5-0 on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Great way to start the season guys!

So if you find yourself with nothing to do on a sunny afternoon and the vikings are playing, stop by for a great game and a hot dog!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Four Day Weekend...UC Still Buzzing!

How nice it was to be off for the long weekend…were we really off?? Not really! The building was buzzing this morning will all that went on over the weekend…I’ll try to fill you in.

President’s weekend usually means the UC Forensic Team is competing at Harvard; well this year was no exception with many of our students “breaking” into final rounds. Congratulations!

On Saturday spectators were able to watch as Mike McCabe and the UC Track Team once again make an impressive showing at the NJSIAA State Meet at the Jersey City Armory with many of our track team qualifying for the Meet of Champions on Saturday and Easterns next Tuesday. Congratulations to our State Champs Tiara for the high jump and Mike for the 55 meter dash – read more about it at!!

What’s that you say??? 600th WIN? UC Girls Basketball Coach Kathy Matthews? Yes you’ve got it! Tuesday night the Girls basketball team helped to bring Coach Matthews her 600th career win by beating Oak Knoll 31 -29. If you were to meet Coach in the hall, she would never brag about her accomplishments, in fact she hates the attention. Her reaction is “it’s not all about basketball; it’s about what kind of person you can be off the court as well”. Kathy Matthews has coached so many girls on and off the court, instilling sportsmanship and fair play along the way…how lucky we are to have her here! Congratulations Coach on three-plus decades of coaching basketball and on your milestone win!

Yes UC is buzzing…buzzing with students talking about all the things they did over the long weekend, spice girl concerts, sweet sixteens, basketball games, movies and more…just enjoying life as a high school student. It was wonderful to be off, but just as nice to come back. Tonight our senior boy’s basketball team played their last home game. Parents were introduced with their sons before the game began…a very emotional night! Even principal Sister Percylee found herself emotional as she reflected on what a very special senior class this is. The Class of 2008 is filled with so many wonderful students; young men and women who have grown into strong leaders academically, socially and athletically. It is hard to believe that tomorrow will bring their senior breakfast …108 days to graduation! As the admissions office is busy planning to welcome the Class of 2012 at the Lock-In at the end of the month, it brings the realization that we will have to begin our good-bye to our seniors…well I won’t get ahead of myself – still a lot more to come…the spring musical, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Mr. UC, Proms and my personal favorite …baseball season!

BTW – the boys basketball team won big with the help of all those senior boys – great season, Tony, Mike, Aaron, Keith, Marcus, Carlo & Jimmy!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008


What does the UC Track Team, the UC Varsity Basketball Team, Class of 2012 Registration and the Giants have in common?? They all had a “banner” weekend!!

Friday night Coach McCabe and the UC Track team made history by qualifying and competing at the 101st Millrose Games at Madison Square Garden. Our 4 x 400 relay team took a respectable fourth place. Congratulations boys on a great job!

After a big win on Thursday against Hillside, the Viking Vault was jumping again on Friday as the UC Boys Varsity Basketball Team had another big win against the St. Mary Hilltoppers. The UC Blue Crew along with the UC Cheerleaders kept the crowd pumped as the boys jumped out to an early lead that they never gave up. Go Big Blue!!!


You could feel the anticipation and excitement as so many of the faces that we have grown to know through the admissions review filled our cafeteria on registration day.
Each class brings its own talents and personality to our building and the Class of 2012 will be no exception – what a wonderful group of students! Welcome to UC – we can hardly wait for you to get here!

With a "filled to capacity class", you will not want to miss registering for the “Class of 2012 Lock-In” on Friday, February 29th. This is a great time to get to know all your new classmates!!

Just when you think the weekend couldn’t get any better – it does! Maybe Eli Manning and his Giants were listening to one of Sister Percylee’s messages about “Becoming all God Calls You to Be”, or to “Always Strive For Your Best” when they went on to beat the undefeated New England Patriots? All I know is, it was one heck of a game and there were a lot of very excited Giant fans walking the halls of UC this morning ~ especially Mr. Luciano! Once again – at UC, “we’re just livin’ the dream”!

So Class of 2012 – we will always remember the weekend of your registration as a weekend where history was made… made at the Millrose Games, made at Registration, and made when the Giants Beat New England!!


Sunday, January 27, 2008


Where to begin?? It has been an exciting couple weeks here at Union Catholic!

After receiving a record number of applications from students seeking admission into the Class of 2012, admission decisions were made and letters were mailed on January 17th. Congratulations to all our accepted students!

Thursday Union Catholic principal, Sister Percylee Hart, hosted a Scholarship Reception for the recipients of the Union Catholic Scholarships. Students and their families were addressed by senior Angela Sessa who spoke about her decision to attend UC and what a difference it has made in her life. Angela let our families know that even though she would be a “HOYA” for the next four years, in her heart would always be a “VIKING”. Angela, we will miss you next year – Georgetown is lucky to be getting you! Camille, a junior at UC, spoke to the students about all the opportunities to get involved at UC, from clubs to sports and to let them know that a “Big Brother or Big Sister” would be there to help them make the transition!

Ok, so that was Thursday, let’s move to Friday ~ The Accepted Students Dance! WOW – it was awesome. Our own anxious “Big Brothers and Sisters” awaited the arrival of the Class of 2012. The minute they arrived the gym was jumping – it took no time at all for the class to gel and dance the night away. The D.J., an alum from UC, kept them up and dancing all night. It was wonderful to see students who came not knowing anyone leave with a whole new group of friends. This is going to be a great class!!!

Now I don’t like to brag, but let me share a little story about one of our seniors. His grandmother passed away and her funeral was Friday morning. He was scheduled to help out with the dance, but we never expected him to come to help ~ but he was there. When I saw him, he said he wouldn't miss it, he wanted to be there. His dedication and school spirit is just an example of the kind of students we have here – thank you Tony!

Of course it was at the dance that one of the Class of 2012 students reminded that I had not updated my blog ~ so Vashon, this blog is for you ~glad you enjoy reading them!

Saturday night the Viking Vault was alive with school spirit as our basketball team (who had all helped with the dance the night before) went on to beat rival Roselle Catholic. Both teams played hard and with tremendous sportsmanship. Congratulations boys – it is a great day to be a Viking!

Today is Sunday and this afternoon we will meet and greet our accepted students and their families once again at our Q&A Sunday. They will be able to go on tours, meet and talk with our faculty members as well as UC parents and students. The commitment to a high school is a huge decision and the admission office wants to make sure that every last question is answered! If you can’t make it today, feel free to give us a call ~ we’re happy to help!

As I’ve mentioned before, as an alum of UC it is especially exciting to watch each new class come in. Some students will be beginning their own legacy, some carrying on a UC tradition from a parent or sibling; either way UC is an amazing place to be. Here students receive a strong education in a faith-filled environment and manage to have a lot of fun along the way! As Mr. Luciano always says…”At UC ~ We’re Living The Dream”!!!

Welcome Class of 2012 ~ We look forward to seeing you on the 2nd!

Next blog…update on how the UC track team does at the Milrose Games at Madison Square Garden on Friday, February 1st – Good luck to Coach McCabe and the UC Track Team!