Friday, April 18, 2008


With Mr. Luciano as the MC, the fourth annual Mr. UC Contest took place on Wednesday evening, April 16th. Eight seniors competed for the Viking Crown and the prestige of knowing that they could be the next "Mr. Union Catholic".

Words really cannot describe the evening that began with our eight contestants doing a dance to "I Will Survive" which was followed by their casual wear, talent and formal wear. Who would have thought that one of the basketball team's leading scorers would do an interpretive dance to the Lion King or that the captain of the baseball team plays in a pipes and drum band; who thought that the UC technology guru of Room 115 was a stand up comic? But even if all those talents were impressive,it was Kevin who won out...his "UC Song" done to the tune of Billy Joel's Piano Man stole the show. An auditorium full of screaming fans casts their votes for this year's Mr. UC ~ Kevin Cascone! Congratulations Kevin and as you leave us to become a St. Joe's Hawk, remember that you will always be a Viking!

Now you may ask yourself, what does a Mr. UC contest have to do with admissions? I like to give all prospective families a sense of the school spirit that is here within the walls of Union Catholic. At Open Houses or Information Sessions you can learn all about the academic offerings, the virtual high school, our athletic programs and clubs. What you can't always see at these events is the spirit of the school...our students. The Mr. UC contest is one of my favorite events. Senior boys comfortable enough to be themselves and have fun and a supportive student body that comes out to support them.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Last night Union Catholic attended the High School Expo at St. John the Apostle School in Clark where myself and some of the UC ambassadors had an opportunity to talk with families beginning the high school search. Parents, along with their 6th or 7th graders collected information from all the high schools in attendance, many feeling overwhelmed with the process. Should they choose a coed school, a single sex school, when is the test, what sports do you offer, what clubs???? The questions kept flowing.

Watching the excitement of these students is one of the things I love about my job! I love meeting and talking with families about all that Union Catholic has to offer. It also reminded me of a process we just completed with our son Jim. The college search! Very similar, very overwhelming. What is the right fit? Where did he see himself for the next four years from both an academic and social point of view. After a long search, he made his decision...the University of Mary Washington in Virginia.

Like college, each high school has something unique to offer! My advice...visit each one. Not just at Open Houses, but come for "freshman for a day". Walk the halls of the schools you are looking at. When you spend the day as a student, you will know whether or not that school is right for you.

I'm including a video from our "accepted students day" at Mary Washington. Four years ago Jim made the choice to attend Union Catholic. And yes, he did have a choice even though his mom works at UC. The choice to attend Union Catholic prepared him academically, athletically, spiritually and socially to move on to the next phase of his life. As you go through the search for the right high school, remember that the UC admissions staff is always available to answer any questions you may have.

Check back later in the week for my blog and video from the Mr. UC Contest!!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Come Home to UC!

To quote John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”.

That sums up our seniors this year. I have watched these young men and women grow into leaders that truly inspire those around them. Leaders who are as comfortable speaking to a group of prospective students as they are a room full of parents, teachers and administrators. These are students who are not just responsible but are nice ~ nice to each other and their peers. I was concerned as we began the interview process for next year’s ambassadors ~ how could we possibly replace this year’s group. The last question Mr. Luciano and I asked each applicant is…”What do you think the best thing is about Union Catholic”? Do you know that every student may have said it differently, but the message was the same ~ "UC is a place where everyone is different, but we are accepted as we are, we are one big family ~ UC is where everyone feels at home ~I love being here”. Each applicant was anxious and excited to be the next ambassador to spread the news about all the good things happening within the walls of UC. I guess I really don’t have to worry about our future leaders, they are ready and willing to take on the responsibility.

Union Catholic’s ambassadors are just one small part of our leadership community. Today my day began watching the Student Council Executive Board holding rehearsals for “Mr. UC” and last night I sat at a SMAC Meeting (Student Movement Against Cancer), where a group of juniors and seniors organized their Quarters for Cancer Dinner, A Benefit Bash at Lord & Taylor (May 6th if your interested) and the Relay for Life. Peer Ministry is busy planning the Sophomore Day of Recollection and an Anti-bullying Workshop for 7th grade students. Oh and let’s not forget the Health Club leaders that just finished an incredibly successful blood drive and the Environment Club leaders who are busy with plans for Earth Day…the list goes on and on. Union Catholic is a place where students fine their niche. UC Builds Leaders ~ Leaders in the classroom, on the playing field and in the community.

Will you be a future leader at Union Catholic?

Come home to UC! ~ Open House is April 22

BTW – Yesterday, another sunny afternoon – Matt Canales & the UC Vikings baseball team had a convincing win over Dayton 5-1! Congratulations boys!

Thursday, April 03, 2008


In case I haven't mentioned it before, I am a huge baseball fan - have always loved the Yankees, never liked Boston. If I could plan a favorite day, it would be a sunny afternoon at Yankee Stadium right along the third base line to watch the Yankees put away the Red Sox!

Now, not that I am comparing the UC baseball team to the Yankees, but watching the Vikings win ranks up there with my favorite things to do!

Yesterday was Open Day for the Vikings and let me tell you it was exciting!

The seniors wanted to create a real "opening day" feel to the afternoon, so up went the viking tent and out came the grill. With music playing and "ballpark hotdogs" on the grill the Viking Baseball Team beat New Providence High School 5-0 on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Great way to start the season guys!

So if you find yourself with nothing to do on a sunny afternoon and the vikings are playing, stop by for a great game and a hot dog!