Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The hallways are shinning, the new “state of the art” chemistry lab is ready, newly painted Viking heads outline the entrance to the gym, summer reading is done (hopefully) – we are ready!

As the buses started arriving you could hear shrieks of excitement in the halls of UC as friends reconnected after a fun summer off. The building is alive again with our UC students. New seniors handing in their parking paperwork to get “good spots”, juniors excited to finally be considered “upperclassmen”, sophomores happy not being the “new kids” and freshmen excited to be the newest members of the UC family and finding their way through the halls of UC with a little help from their Big Brothers and Sisters.

It’s funny, having worked so much of the summer I realized that UC never really does “sleep”. There was always something happening…summer theater workshops, the summer play, sports camps, summer classes, fall tryouts and a winning summer baseball legion season! But, even though so many things happen during the summer, I am always happy to see our kids back – they are the “life and personality” of UC.

What will this year bring? I don’t know, but feeling the excitement in the building today makes me believe it’s going to be a great year!