Monday, December 03, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Even if I didn’t see it, I could smell it…yes…the Christmas tree is up, lit and decorated – magically Christmas arrived at UC sometime over the weekend...Santa’s elves must have been working overtime. The front hallway decorated with lit boughs and the student wings slowly looking more and more like Christmas as each grade level take pride in decorating their wing.

Where to begin with all that happens at UC in December…
Tomorrow is the Annual Tree of Lights Ceremony, where members of the UC community can purchase a dove ornament in remembrance of a loved one to place on our tree. The UC concert choir adds a special touch to this beautiful ceremony run by the Parent Guild. Immediately following the ceremony, families can then attend the UC Christmas concert. Now I have to tell you, the Admissions Office is right next to the music production room and if what I’ve been hearing everyday from their class is any indication of what the concert will be like…everyone will be in for a treat!!

Take a breath, we are now at Wednesday and it’s time for the UC Faculty Christmas party at L’Affaire -always a wonderful time. A time to just be together and celebrate the Christmas season as coworkers and friends ~ Thank you Sister Percylee for hosting such a special evening!

Friday brings the UC Christmas Semi-Formal. This has to be my favorite event at UC. From the time I was a student here (way back when) it has always been an exciting night. Of course the semi has come a long way from the 70’s when it was hosted in the cafeteria. Now the UC gym is transformed into a winter wonderland. This sell-out event will have over 500 students from grades 9 – 12. They will be treated two a sit down dinner and will be able to dance the night away. I always look forward to seeing all the students with their friends all dressed up…it really is a special night.

So I’ve just told you about the first week of December ...they’ll be more to come...but in the meantime…Merry Christmas!