Monday, December 03, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Even if I didn’t see it, I could smell it…yes…the Christmas tree is up, lit and decorated – magically Christmas arrived at UC sometime over the weekend...Santa’s elves must have been working overtime. The front hallway decorated with lit boughs and the student wings slowly looking more and more like Christmas as each grade level take pride in decorating their wing.

Where to begin with all that happens at UC in December…
Tomorrow is the Annual Tree of Lights Ceremony, where members of the UC community can purchase a dove ornament in remembrance of a loved one to place on our tree. The UC concert choir adds a special touch to this beautiful ceremony run by the Parent Guild. Immediately following the ceremony, families can then attend the UC Christmas concert. Now I have to tell you, the Admissions Office is right next to the music production room and if what I’ve been hearing everyday from their class is any indication of what the concert will be like…everyone will be in for a treat!!

Take a breath, we are now at Wednesday and it’s time for the UC Faculty Christmas party at L’Affaire -always a wonderful time. A time to just be together and celebrate the Christmas season as coworkers and friends ~ Thank you Sister Percylee for hosting such a special evening!

Friday brings the UC Christmas Semi-Formal. This has to be my favorite event at UC. From the time I was a student here (way back when) it has always been an exciting night. Of course the semi has come a long way from the 70’s when it was hosted in the cafeteria. Now the UC gym is transformed into a winter wonderland. This sell-out event will have over 500 students from grades 9 – 12. They will be treated two a sit down dinner and will be able to dance the night away. I always look forward to seeing all the students with their friends all dressed up…it really is a special night.

So I’ve just told you about the first week of December ...they’ll be more to come...but in the meantime…Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Time To Give Thanks!

It’s hard to believe that next week is Thanksgiving – wasn’t it just yesterday that we were starting the school year?? I guess it’s true what they say – “time flies when you are having a good time”!

Here at UC time does fly. Our calendar packed with events and activities from club periods, and pep rallies to school trips, ring ceremonies and honor roll breakfasts.

So as I sit in my office at this time of year I think about what I am thankful for. Without question, I am thankful a wonderful family, good friends and my health. But I am also thankful to be able to wake up everyday and come to work in a school like UC. A place where the kids are happy to be here, where there is a dedicated faculty and staff that puts in so many extra hours. A place where there is always something to celebrate from perfect SAT scores and merit scholars to victories and championships within our athletic program; a performing arts company that can put on a fall drama that is second to none and a peer ministry group that will work tirelessly to put together Days of Recollections for their classmates. Union Catholic is not just a school, it’s a community, it’s a family of people that really care about each other and help each other succeed.

I was working the grammar school basketball tournament this past Sunday and when I thanked one of our junior girls for giving up a Sunday to come and help us she said…”Oh Mrs. Thornton, I love UC, I love waking up and coming to school, I love my friends and I love to help out”…Well Emily, I agree, I love UC and am thankful to be part of this wonderful community!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"Oh The Places You Will Go"!

National Honor Society:


Over 70 students were inducted into the National Honor Society on Wednesday, October 10th. Seniors Keith, Elisabeth, Gia and Angela addressed their peers on their prospective of what it meant to live their lives with character, serve others, be a leader and do it all while maintaining a high academic standard. Each student spoke from their heart as proud families listened attentively from their seats in the auditorium.

This year’s keynote speaker, Senior Guidance Counselor Joanne Jakubik, spoke to the junior and senior inductees about what it meant to achieve such a prestigious honor and reminded them that to be truly successful in life you must always maintain your sense of humor and enjoy what you do. Mrs. Jakubik concluded her thoughts by reading from Dr. Seuss’ book…Oh the Places You Will Go!

Watching these young men and women walk onto the stage to receive their certificates, I thought how far they have come since their freshman orientation day and yet the places they can go and their possibilities are endless.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hospitality Homeroom

What is “hospitality homeroom”? Well I’ll be happy to tell you. It is a group of very unique and special seniors (all part of the big brothers/sister program) who instead of sleeping in an extra half hour, arrive at UC every day at 7:30 am to meet our “freshman for a day” visitors. They wait in homeroom for our visitors to arrive and they share their stories and experiences of being a student here at UC. They are all about the hospitality. As seniors they have a lot of pressures on them. College visits, SATs, AP tests, labs, outside club responsibilities, jobs and social lives. It’s not unusual for me to walk into homeroom early to see all of them studying for upcoming tests. But even with all these demands on their time, as soon as our visitors arrive, the books are closed, smiles on faces and they welcome you!

We have a lot of personalities in our homeroom. Sarah is definitely our morning person and can instantaneously make you feel at home. Ryan, one of UC’s top track stars and Steve, one of the starting varsity pitchers for the Vikings, aren't quite the morning people that Sarah is, but happy to welcome you just the same - I think they just happy to be in a homeroom of mostly girls! Samantha is our cheerleader and I think has visited the most colleges of anyone in the senior class. Angela is involved in the Student Movement Against Cancer (SMAC) and is very organized – she helps keep us organized - she is also our starting softball catcher! Christina is our volleyball player (you can see her picture in our new viewbook) she has a very dry quick sense of humor. She may be small, but she is big in heart and school spirit. Angelica and Katie are two of our quieter girls with the best smiles, and warmest personalities, they can make even our shyest visitors feel at home. Last but not least is Maggie. Maggie is one of the senior members of Union Catholic’s Peer Ministry group. She, like most of our students juggle many activities and clubs, but nothing is ever too much trouble. No matter how tired or how much she has on her plate, she is always there lending her hand!

This is our homeroom, a cast of many personalities, all come together to help prospective students start they day off on the right foot! Come meet them – they’d be happy to tell you about life at UC, happy to make you feel a part of the UC family – after all, we are “hospitality homeroom”

Friday, October 05, 2007

Excitement in the Air!!

Each year in October, Union Catholic opens her doors to prospective students and their families at the Fall Open House. Every year we fill our auditorium with excited 8th graders beginning their search for the “right” high school. So what was different this year?? There was definitely an excitement, a buzz, a feeling of “I’ve got to come to this school” in the air.

After greeting families in the main lobby and having sent my last tour out with our ambassadors, I made my way down to the auditorium. I could feel the excitement building as our UC musicians finished playing and Kayla, a freshman at UC, sang the National Anthem – such confidence! So much talent lies within the walls of UC, right down to our newest and youngest members of our community. The night just got better as the slide show, done by Class of 2004 alum Jess Vogt, showed our audience a view of a student’s life here at UC. This was followed by a warm welcome from Principal Sister Percylee & the UC Viking and finished with a presentation by Assistant Principal Jim Reagan.

All of this is very normal for a UC Open House. So as our prospective families left the auditorium to follow their class schedules, I asked again, why did tonight feel so special, so unique??? After thinking about it, I realized it was special because the excitement began within the walls of UC. Our students, our faculty and our administration were all excited to be there. There was a sense of pride and enthusiasm to be able to show off all that UC has to offer a student and their family. It doesn’t matter whether you learn at an accelerated level or a remedial level, whether you are an athlete or a performer, whether you like chess or the step squad – Union Catholic can be the place for you. Come feel the excitement yourself, talk to our students, our faculty or our alums. Union Catholic is a special place – you can just feel it in the air!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The hallways are shinning, the new “state of the art” chemistry lab is ready, newly painted Viking heads outline the entrance to the gym, summer reading is done (hopefully) – we are ready!

As the buses started arriving you could hear shrieks of excitement in the halls of UC as friends reconnected after a fun summer off. The building is alive again with our UC students. New seniors handing in their parking paperwork to get “good spots”, juniors excited to finally be considered “upperclassmen”, sophomores happy not being the “new kids” and freshmen excited to be the newest members of the UC family and finding their way through the halls of UC with a little help from their Big Brothers and Sisters.

It’s funny, having worked so much of the summer I realized that UC never really does “sleep”. There was always something happening…summer theater workshops, the summer play, sports camps, summer classes, fall tryouts and a winning summer baseball legion season! But, even though so many things happen during the summer, I am always happy to see our kids back – they are the “life and personality” of UC.

What will this year bring? I don’t know, but feeling the excitement in the building today makes me believe it’s going to be a great year!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Concert..Prom..Relay & more....

Sometimes when I think of what happens in a week at Union Catholic High School I am amazed at how you can fit it all in.

Tuesday evening Union Catholic put on their Spring Concert to a full auditorium. Each year that I attend I am in awe at the talent that lies within the walls of UC. This year’s concert was called “Rock and Soul Review” under the direction of our very own Mr. Don Frio. The evening began with the classical review with piano and violin solos then to the strings and our gospel choir who were accompanied by the UC Blues Ensemble. The auditorium then rocked with the UC Band as they played such hits as Smoke on the Water, Brickhouse, and Enter the Sandman. Next entered our Concert Choir, again accompanied by our UC Blues Ensemble to sing Come Sail Away and Celebration, to name just a few, and finished with the 70’s Soul Celebration. The auditorium was jumping and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better the UC Seniors came out to perform their rendition of Freebird complete with light show…or was that really The Lynyrd Skynyrd Band on stage ????? What an amazing night…congratulations!

Wednesday Union Catholic’s spring atheletic dinner was held at the Westwood in Garwood – the athletic program here at UC has experienced such growth in success this past year that we have had to move to three athletic dinners; fall sports, winter and then spring. It was bittersweet as our senior athletes were recognized for their accomplishments this year…another step closer to graduation.

Thursday evening our seniors danced the night away at the Crystal Plaza for their Senior Prom. You take them out of their uniforms and they look so sophisticated. A great night was had by all.

Ok – so we’re not done yet – Friday over 85 members of the Union Catholic Student Movement Against Cancer Club spent the night at the Scotch Plains Fanwood High School football field for the Relay for Life. The evening opened with the “survivors lap” which I personally was very proud to do with my children. How moving it was to see the UC students doing laps from 7 pm till 6 am. This year’s relay held special meaning to the UC kids…they were walking in memory of Chris O’Bara, class of 2008 who lost his battle with cancer this past September.

The UC Community had to sleep fast over the weekend because this week brought a whole new list of activities, one of which was the 11th Annual Grammar School Forensic Tournament. Over 17 schools participated in this year’s competition in areas such as Duo, Declamation, and Humor to name a few. It is exciting to see the confidence and talent of upcoming high school students.

So what does all this say about the UC Community other than most of us don’t need a lot of sleep. It says that Union Catholic celebrates the diversity of their student’s talents. Whether an athlete, a musician, a member of peer ministry or SMAC..UC will help foster your talent. Combine this with an outstanding academic program…Union Catholic help our students get to the next level.

In my next blog I fill you in on how our Forensic Team did at Nationals and all the wonderful places our seniors are going…we could not be prouder of their accomplishments. Graduation is next Saturday

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Spring is definitely in the air! The building is a “buzz” with talk of college acceptances, scholarships, academic awards, prom dates, baseball games, tennis and golf matches. March was such a busy month here at Union Catholic; I think everyone was ready for the Spring Break - and what a nice long stretch off we had! Since my last entry, our Spring Musical, Sugar, opened! What a show and what a talented group of students. I am always amazed to see the show develop from try-outs to opening night. The lighting, the set design, costumes, the singing, the dancing…all done by UC students – WOW – it was awesome – we all laughed so hard – I can hardly wait to see what musical they will be doing next year! Every year I wonder how they will top the year before, but they always do. Our performing arts students will get a short break before tryouts for the summer productions and then the fall drama – it seems that the theater is never “dark” at UC!

Union Catholic Ambassadors were on hand to welcome over 60 grammar school teachers and principals, as well as guests from the diocesan office, who attended the Annual Principals Roundtable Dinner on March 29th. This year guests where able to see first hand some of the new and innovative offerings here at Union Catholic including a PowerPoint presentation on UC’s Virtual High School. This years successful Virtual High School pilot program included nine students taking courses such as DNA Technology, Genes & Diseases, Bioethics and Screen Writing to mention a few. Word of the success of this new initiative has spread through the halls of UC as students now apply for next year’s courses

After the presentations and a fabulous dinner catered by Clynne & Murphy of Westfield, our guests were entertained by two of our senior forensic team members who qualified to compete at the National Forensic Competition in Houston Texas this Memorial Day Weekend. John & Edward were two of eight members who have qualified for this year's National Competition – Good luck team – we’re all very proud of you!

As you can see, there is always something exciting happening here at UC. Be sure to check the athletic page on our website – stop by at any of our sporting events…come experience Viking Pride! Not into sports – how about the Mr. UC competition on April 26th – always a fun night!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Career Day...Lock-In...Parade...Lose an Hour!

What an exciting week at Union Catholic!

Thursday Union Catholic hosted over 30 alumnae who came back to Union Catholic to speak with the sophomores during Career Day. Alums from some of our very first graduating classes to our more recent graduates came back to share their careers with students in the Class of 2009 – it was fun to see alumnae walk through the halls of their old “stomping ground” and relive many memories. For me it was great to see some “old” friends - thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to share your experiences!

Friday night brought the Class of 2011 Lock-in. Union Catholic Big Brothers and Sisters had a full night of games, food and fun planned for the incoming freshman. Sean, a senior here at UC did a great job as the DJ and was that Howie Mandel or senior, Ed Sagendorf as the host of Deal or No Deal? Incoming freshmen feasted on a “lent friendly” dinner that included UC’s famous fries and the annual pie eating contest was won by Joe, an incoming freshman from St. John the Apostle. Kickball, tennis ball relay, guitar hero, knockout – I could go on and on – but as the night was ending with “make your own sundaes” it was evident that the night was not only about the games and the food, but about making new friends and melding into a new community. I loved watching our big brothers and sisters bring our newest members of the community into the family. Welcome Class of 2011, we loved having you here in the building….can’t wait to see you again at the BBQ – watch the mail for more details!

So as the last student was picked up a little after midnight, we packed our cars so that we would be ready to go first thing in the morning …you guess it…the Union County Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. The Union Catholic Performing Arts Company performed a number from Sugar, our spring musical, at the parade grandstand in Union Center right before the parade kicked off at 1:00 pm. Union Catholic students were looking good as they marched down Morris Avenue carrying the banners from each of Ireland’s counties. Union Catholic was honored to be asked by the parade committee to participate in the parade by carrying these banners to start the parade and then again at the end... Mrs. Abel’s tailgate on Jeannette Avenue was a “hot spot” as she cooked taylor ham sandwiches for all our marchers as well as a lot of the parade committee members and some alumni who stopped by. On Saturday, there was a little Irish in all of us!

Ok – so with all this happening, can you believe we lost an hour of sleep! It’s ok though, Monday came with a whole new week of activities…club period, course selections and so much more...I’ll fill you in soon!.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Carnivale..Lent..Senior Retreat

Fat Tuesday came a few days early here at Union Catholic with the celebration of Carnivale. Carnivale is traditionally celebrated on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, but since that coincided with a long weekend off for Presidents Weekend, the celebration began on Friday.

Students from all four years of Mr. Cerimele’s Italian classes poured into the celebration bringing homemade Italian dinners and pastries – it sure did smell good! The evening was filled with good food, music and dancing – a fun night was had by all! But just as Mardi Gras abruptly ends at midnight on Fat Tuesday, so does Carnivale end and bring Lent to the UC Community. Prayer services conducted by Deacon Lynch were held during each period of the school day on Wednesday so that all students were able to attend and receive ashes. Deacon Lynch gave a beautiful reflection on the meaning of sacrificing during Lent, sacrificing with a smile….maybe by doing some “random acts of kindness”.

What a perfect time of year for our seniors to leave for their retreat…a time to reflect on their high school years and where their future will take them. With college acceptances pouring in, decisions need to be made – which school is the right choice? Seniors are faced with so many decisions as they travel through their last months of high school. I’m sure the retreat will be a wonderful time of reflection with some fun thrown in. Faculty and students have all been submitting their letters of affirmation for the seniors attending. These letters will be given to the seniors during their weekend…always a very special time of the retreat!

Class of 2007 ---enjoy your retreat, you will be in our thoughts and prayers - next week will bring the “107 Days till Graduation” breakfast. Mrs. Abel and the ladies in development are planning a special menu in your honor!

Friday, February 16, 2007

St. Valentine

If you look up St. Valentine’s Day on Google, you’ll find out lots of different theories…one is that the tradition of proclaiming one’s love to another came from England and France during the Middle Ages where it is believed that on February 14th, half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair.

Valentine’s Day here at UC means a "tag day" - a day to dress in our jeans, and red of course. The building is bright with the color of red everywhere. And of course, Sister Eloise will probably win for being the person who receives the most flowers!

Student Council sold candy grams all last week which were delivered this morning in homeroom. Student Council also ran a computerized compatibility test - what fun it is to see who you are compatible with!

Not even a "snow day" can keep UC from celebrating St. Valentine’s Day. Here we are on February 15th wearing our red and taking the time to tell those we care about that we love them. In thinking about it, I realized that this is just what UC does - they make everything special. So here in the middle of winter and 6 weeks before the hope of spring, we take a day to celebrate LOVE!

As our February Club period approaches, I am sure that the IRISH VIKINGS will be gearing up for the Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Union on March 10th. Come out and see us as our Performing Arts Company will be performing at the Grandstands in Union Center and the UC Viking will be marching with the UC Students. All UC students marching in the parade get a special breakfast prepared by UC’s favorite mom, Mrs. Abel - save a pork roll sandwich for me!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Accepted Students Dance

Who will the Class of 2011 be?? It’s like waiting for the birth of a new child - What talents will then bring - who will be the new leaders, athletes, stage stars? Who will be the new additions to the UC Community?

Well if the accepted students dance is any indication of the spirit and life that the Class of 2011 will bring, we can’t wait for them to get here!

Union Catholic’s "big brothers" and "big sisters" along with the Union Catholic ambassadors were on hand to help welcome accepted students to the "accepted students dance" Music was provided by DJ Tony Pops, who commented on how much he loves coming to do the dances at UC - he loves our kids!

The Class of 2011 followed the lead of the some of the UC Boys basketball team as they led them in Cotton Eyed Joe and the Cha-Cha slide. It was nice to see that their talents aren’t limited to basketball - by the way great season guys (13-3) Good luck with the rest of the season!

Congrats goes out to the Union Catholic Winter Track Team as well for just taking the County Title - way to go Coach McCabe & the UC Track Team!

The students from the Class of 2011 are coming from many different areas and schools. Each bringing a uniqueness to Union Catholic. We know that you may be a little nervous - but not to worry, we are here to help you with the transition. The Union Catholic faculty and staff along with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters will show you the ropes -
As singer Natasha Bedingfields songs say...

"Live you life with arms wide open…Today is where your book begins!"

Class of 2011 your "book" begins on Saturday….see you then!