Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Career Day...Lock-In...Parade...Lose an Hour!

What an exciting week at Union Catholic!

Thursday Union Catholic hosted over 30 alumnae who came back to Union Catholic to speak with the sophomores during Career Day. Alums from some of our very first graduating classes to our more recent graduates came back to share their careers with students in the Class of 2009 – it was fun to see alumnae walk through the halls of their old “stomping ground” and relive many memories. For me it was great to see some “old” friends - thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to share your experiences!

Friday night brought the Class of 2011 Lock-in. Union Catholic Big Brothers and Sisters had a full night of games, food and fun planned for the incoming freshman. Sean, a senior here at UC did a great job as the DJ and was that Howie Mandel or senior, Ed Sagendorf as the host of Deal or No Deal? Incoming freshmen feasted on a “lent friendly” dinner that included UC’s famous fries and the annual pie eating contest was won by Joe, an incoming freshman from St. John the Apostle. Kickball, tennis ball relay, guitar hero, knockout – I could go on and on – but as the night was ending with “make your own sundaes” it was evident that the night was not only about the games and the food, but about making new friends and melding into a new community. I loved watching our big brothers and sisters bring our newest members of the community into the family. Welcome Class of 2011, we loved having you here in the building….can’t wait to see you again at the BBQ – watch the mail for more details!

So as the last student was picked up a little after midnight, we packed our cars so that we would be ready to go first thing in the morning …you guess it…the Union County Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. The Union Catholic Performing Arts Company performed a number from Sugar, our spring musical, at the parade grandstand in Union Center right before the parade kicked off at 1:00 pm. Union Catholic students were looking good as they marched down Morris Avenue carrying the banners from each of Ireland’s counties. Union Catholic was honored to be asked by the parade committee to participate in the parade by carrying these banners to start the parade and then again at the end... Mrs. Abel’s tailgate on Jeannette Avenue was a “hot spot” as she cooked taylor ham sandwiches for all our marchers as well as a lot of the parade committee members and some alumni who stopped by. On Saturday, there was a little Irish in all of us!

Ok – so with all this happening, can you believe we lost an hour of sleep! It’s ok though, Monday came with a whole new week of activities…club period, course selections and so much more...I’ll fill you in soon!.